Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I believe in a hill called mount calvary lyrics

I believe in a hill called mount calvary
I believe whatever the cost
And when time has surrendered
And earth is no more
I`ll still cling to the old rugged cross

I believe that this life with its great mysteries
Surely someday will come to an end
But faith will conquer the darkness and death
And will lead at last to my friend

I believe that the Christ
Who was slain on the cross
Has the power to change lives today
For He changed me completely
A new life is mine
And that is why by the cross
I will stay

I believe in a hill called mount calvary
I believe whatever the cost
And when time has surrendered
And earth is no more
I`ll still cling to the old rugged cross

I believe in a hill called mount calvary

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Berdoa lagi...

GOD, grant me the serenity

to accept the things that I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can

and the wisdom to know the difference. Amen

Friday, January 22, 2010

Doa ku ya Tuhan kepadaMu

Tuhan bersyukur untuk proses yang sedang Engkau berikan buat kami.
Tuhan tolonglah pimpin setiap pergumulan kami.
Tuhan ajarlah kami mengasihi sebagaimana Engkau telah mengasihi kami.
Tuhan bersyukur buat teguran yang membuat kami mengerti siapa diri kami di hadapanMu
Tuhan ampuni untuk setiap ketidataatan dan ketidak setiaan
Tuhan mampukan kami melihat harapan akan masa depan yg baik ditanganMu.
Tuhan kabulkanlah permohonan kami seturut hikmat dan bijaksanaMU


Love is Not a Fight



About Me

Surakarta, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia
All the way my savior leads me, what have i to ask beside